ocr: Super DVD Creator 5.05-Convert Movies Lo DVD/NCD/SVED/Mpeg --Burner Engine Inside 2ex Total Time: 00:00.00 Remain Time:00:00:00 Open Target Run Settings Stop Buiner Help Weloome to: Super DVD Creator 50 Unregistered Copy! DVDSVCD' VED Bumner Inside ! Super DVD Cieator was designedto DVD Creator convert your Meds.DVAVIDMAXNdMOMIQueKTme) WMVASPAmiieaPlsyer Super movies tol VCD.SVCD or DVD.And further more. youcan use the buitin Disk Bumner iT - à tobunyour home video diskuwhichcan play on your home DVD player. Toconvert WMV orA ASF lile to VOD/ SVLD/DVD.your needi install the MS Media9 tun lme L ...